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Extract ICal from your teams DBB schedule

UPDATE: Just after publishing the post I noticed that the BBL page is available in 2 flavors. The old JSP page still exists and has an actual ICal Export button. Well… at least I now know how to do it on my own. 🙈

Every now and then you run into the limits of a website you’re using. This just happened to me when my sons basketball coach shared the match schedule and I wanted to add the matches to our family calendar. The info is available through but you can’t get it out of that page easily.

screenshot of the schedule

Time to cook a soup? #

A while ago I ran into a similar problem and used BeautifulSoup4 to extract the data I was looking for. This was my first approach as well, but this time it showed to be harder than I thought. Turns out the page loads most of its information dynamically via JavaScript and every approach I tried just returned the skeleton page.

Plain old REST… #

I found the answer when analyzing the sites network traffic through the Firefox Developer Tools. Besides loading a bunch of ads and tracking stuff it was using a plain old REST API to get the standings, teams and schedule. Using requests it was easy to get the data I was looking for. The structure contained some odd specialties, but that was to be expected and most of my script works around that easily.

Writing ICal #

Python comes with batteries included, but certainly something like writing ICal data is not part of the framework. Luckily there’s a module called ical that helps with that. All I needed to do was to create a new calender, fill it with the events I wanted to have and write it out as an .ics file.

Source #

The code is hosted in a GitHub repo, though it’s not much more than a few lines of Perhaps it helps someone else get their team organized in a better way.